SGV-NAACP 26th Annual MLK Day

Honoring Dr. Martin L. King Jr. January 20, 2025 at West Covina Civic Courtyard

Supervisor Hilda L. Solis- Women Day Program March 8, 2024

Supervisor Hilda Solis honors Women in her district. The Keynote Speaker was Jennifer Newsom, wife of California Governor Newsom. San Gabriel Valley NAACP President, Irma Cooper and Pomona NAACP President Janet Ellis-Royston were in attendance
West Covina Memorial Day Service
City of West Covina honor veterans who gave their lives for freedom, democracy and liberty. This ceremony happens every Memorial Day. San Gabriel Valley NAACP veterans and members attend every year. SGV-NAACP President, Irma Cooper is a veteran.
Veterans sharing with Students at Walnut High School 
Commander, George Ogden of West Covina VFW post 8620 and COL (Ret) Irma Cooper, President SGV-NAACP attended Walnut High School  Veterans Day. Both shared their experiences in the military with students. Many of these students did not have any family members who served in the United States Armed Forces.  It was a great day sharing our stories with students and answering their questions.

City of West Covina Honoring its Veterans

SGV-NAACP veterans in attendance
115th NAACP Convention 2024
The 115th NAACP convention was held July 7-14, 2024 at Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas, NV.

San Gabriel Valley NAACP at CA HI State NAACP Conference 2023

Our Delegates, Members, and Youth represent SGV-NAACP at the CA/HI NAACP state conference. Congratulations SGV-NAACP
Sgv naacp food drive

San Gabriel Valley NAACP helping our Community

Our San Gabriel Valley Community thrives when we invest in our time and service to make it happen. San Gabriel Valley NAACP (SGV-NAACP) is helping to transform our community with helping those in need. As the wealth gap continues to be a problem and the economy is lacking jobs for families. SGV-NAACP will donate and continue to donate to the Food banks in our service area.

Included in our celebration of the 59th San Gabriel Valley NAACP Anniversary on September 16, 2023, guests and members participated in a canned food drive. Madeline Ferrell, Lonnie Ferrell & Joyce Randall, members of the SGV NAACP Branch delivered a shopping cart full of canned goods to the Action Food Pantry located at Grace Lutheran Church in Covina. A volunteer worker accepted the donations on behalf of the pantry. Food is available to the community on Thursdays from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
Special thanks go out to Joyce Randall and SGV-NAACP members who volunteer to assist with this project.

SGV-NAACP 59th Anniversary Celebration

San Gabriel Valley NAACP(SGV-NAACP)  celebrated its 59th Anniversary during the month of September. SGV-NAACP was founded in 1964. The San Gabriel Valley National Advancement Colored People (SGV-NAACP) received its branch authorization on June 21, 1964. Our branch came into existence due to a crisis facing African Americans in our community.

Housing discrimination, employment discrimination, and unfair educational opportunities were just a few of the many issues facing those pioneers who gathered on the lawn of one of our charter members to form the SGV-NAACP. Many still find it hard to believe that fifty-nine years ago, real estate agents took virtually all prospective African American home buyers to the area bounded by California Avenue, Fairgrove Avenue, Sunset, and Francisquito Avenues to show the property. Rarely did they take them to an area in other cities or communities. Rental housing for African Americans was just not available. Thanks to those who stood up and fought that kind of mistreatment, we are residents in all of the East San Gabriel Valley communities.

Guest were the West Covina Mayor, Rosario Diaz, and members of the council, Mayor Pro Tem Brian Tabatabai, Councilman Tony Wu, and Councilman Ollie Cantos. Mayor Diaz brought a greeting from the City of West Covina and thanked SGV-NAACP for the work they do to support civil rights, equity, and inclusion of all citizens in the city of West Covina.  Mayor Diaz and  Supervisor Hilda Solis's representative presented SGV-NAACP with a certificate of Recognition on their 59th Anniversary celebration.

The ceremony consisted of a Welcome by Joyce Randall, Chair of the Anniversary Committee.
honoring all the previous Presidents and Life members. The history of the SGV-NAACP was told by current President Irma Cooper.  Madeline Ferrel and her team gave an overview of the major community services and activities that SGV-NAACP accomplished over the 59 years.

After five decades of supporting Civil Rights, SGV-NAACP has made significant progress but it also reminds us that there is still work to be done. Each one of us must engage in the fight to eliminate discrimination and injustice in our communities.

Audrey's flyer
Supervisor solis presentation
Mayor diaz presenting award
Logo west covina
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